Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Recklessly 4/2/2014

Recklessly By A.J. Sand

Wes Elliott just met his match…and she might actually burn his entire world down.

Surfing and sex. This is Wes Elliott's life. And it's just the way he likes it. `
After seeing his parents stay in a loveless marriage his entire life, and burying away a heartbreak from his past, he knows where romance is best left: crappy chick movies. He'd rather lust and eventually leave, and that's exactly what the plan was when he met Lana Langston.

Except…turns out she’s only in it for the thrills, too. She's always only in it for the thrills: life in the literal fast lane on her motorcycle, and the hot nights in forbidden places without the awkward talks in the mornings after. She's Wes Elliott in way tighter jeans.

Oh how I loved this book. We meet Wes in Documentary and you get to see what kind of person he is but man, get a whole book of him and it just adds to the reason why I like his character so much. You'd think I would hate this book because it has the whole main male character that loves meaningless sex, and if you haven't realized this yet, that is usually the type of book I stay away from. 

We also meet Lana in this book. Lana is a lot like Wes in many different ways and as I was reading this book I had so many ideas and predictions about what would happen and I was wrong about ever single one of them. Lana frustrated me at times but her problems were real and I really loved that. This wasn't a story where you read about the main characters problems and think, "How is this even an issue?!"

Recklessly would be considered a light read in my opinion, but there were some heavy topics and I loved the way A.J. Sand wrote about them. It wasn't like she was trying to throw in some issues that would add some depth to the story and call it good. 

Overall, I give this book 5 bubbles. I loved it!

Would I read it again? Obviously.
Would I recommend this? Yes, yes, yes. 

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